Sunday, December 28, 2008


The best thing about Waitress is that it is essentially a movie about pie. Sometimes (particularly at the end) the pies were a little too florescent and it takes a non-cook to think that her chocolate would be cooked directly over the stove's flames instead of on a double boiler. Still, pie held an otherwise mediocre film together.

This is one of a string of 2007 films about unwanted pregnancies where the protagonists never consider abortions; in this one, the protagonist is lukewarm about the situation until the moment the baby is born, at which point she is delighted. The film is consistently too easy like this--wouldn't people have been concerned about her reaction (more than just giving her a baby book)? After the birth, wouldn't an asshole husband tried to control her via a custody battle? Is it too convenient that the prize for a pie contest is $25,000?

It is not that Waitress didn't provide some harmless entertainment; it did. Still, the plot was filled with holes and problematic elements that were too distracting to ignore.


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